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Audio Core4 Lua Commands


map = audio.mediainfo(filename)


Gathers information about the media file in filename. Returns a table with key/value pairs.
Supported file mime-types are ogg/vorbis (*.ogg) and audio/wave (*.wav).
Mime type is detected by looking into the file, the file extension is ignored.

The following fields are common for all mime types:

mimetype MIME data type of the file.
playtime Playback length of the file in milliseconds.
This field does not exist if this value can not be determined!

Specific fields for ogg/vorbis mime type:

rate Samples per second of the uncompressed data stream.
channels Number of channels (e.g. 1=mono, 2=stereo).
version Number value taken verbatim from the vorbis container.
bitrate A table containing the number values named lower, upper, nominal and window.
Taken verbatim from the vorbis container.
comments A table containing key/value string pairs from comment section of the vorbis container.
The file format supports any key/value combination. Some key names have been agreed upon, see example below.

Specific fields for audio/wave mime type:

rate Samples per second.
bits Bits per sample.
channels Number of channels (e.g. 1=mono, 2=stereo).


Returns a table with media file information.


On error, three values are returned: nil, a string describing the error (The result of the C library call strerror() on the errno code) and the errno number from the standard C library.


The example file has been edited to put example text in all typical tag fields that are offered by common tag editors.
print(table.tostring(audio.mediainfo("example.ogg"), 2))
{ mimetype = "ogg/vorbis", playtime = 1062, rate = 22050, version = 0, channels = 1, bitrate = { lower = 0, upper = 0, window = 0, nominal = 40222 }, comments = { CONTACT = "URL GOES HERE", PERFORMER = "ORIG ARTIST GOES HERE", TRACKTOTAL = "99", GENRE = "GENRE GOES HERE", ARTIST = "ARTIST GOES HERE", COMPOSER = "COMPOSER GOES HERE", ["ENCODED-BY"] = "ENCODED-BY GOES HERE", TRACKNUMBER = "01", COPYRIGHT = "COPYRIGHT GOES HERE", DATE = "1970", TITLE = "TITLE GOES HERE", ALBUM = "ALBUM GOES HERE", DESCRIPTION = "COMMENT GOES HERE", ALBUMARTIST = "ALBUM ARTIST GOES HERE" } }