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Audio Core4 Lua Commands


mx = audio.mixers()


Returns a list of all available audio volume controls and switches.


Returns a table containing one item for each mixer control. The keys are the names of the control, while the values are another table in turn that describes the properties of that control.

Volume controls that can be muted have a second entry in the table, where the name of the control has ".Mute" attached.

The nested tables contain the following fields:

name The name of the control.
type One of "mono", "stereo", "switch" or "mute".
min, max The minimum and maximum possible value.
parent For mute controls, the name of the actual volume control this belongs to.


The controllers Teratronik V4 and Teratronik V4½ use a WM9705 AC97 codec. Here is a list of mixer controls:

Beep, Beep.Mute Volume of the PCBEEP input. On the V4 series, this is connected to the piezo buzzer signal. Please note that AC97 does not route the Beep signal to the Mono output, and thus the buzzer is not audible via the on-board 1W mono amplifier.
Gain, Gain.Mute Controls the record gain volume. This is also controlled by the audio.vol("rec", ...) command.
Headphone, Headphone.Mute Controls the volume of the headphone output.
Line, Line.Mute Controls the volume of the line output.
Master, Master.Mute Master volume control
Mic, Mic.Mute Microphone input gain control
Mixer, Mixer.Mute Volume control of the main mixer output gain.
Mono, Mono.Mute Controls the volume of the on-board 1W audio amplifier.
PCM, PCM.Mute Volume of the digital audio playback. This is also controlled by the audio.vol("play", ...) command.
Phone, Phone.Mute Phone input gain control.

This is a list of mixer switches:

20dB Turns on a 20dB gain on the microphone input.
3D Enables 3D stereo enhancement.
ADCNDAC Selects input to the ADC from before the point where the DAC signal is summed in.
ADCO Output data from the internal ADCs on the SPDIF rather than the data from the selected AC link slot.
AMEN Enables the DAC automute function, which detects zero data on both dac channels and auto-mutes the outputs under this condition.
AMUTE Indicates automute state has been detected. This is a read-only bit.
HPF HPF turns off the digital high pass filter in the ADC output when set. This will degrade signal quality. Use only for testing.
POP Routes the digital audio playback directly to the outputs.


>  >  >  >  >  > 
for mix,tab in pairs(audio.mixers()) do for k,v in pairs(tab) do print(k, v) end print() end
name PCM type stereo max 255 min 0 name PCM.Mute parent PCM type mute max 1 min 0