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Socket options

Rawio Core4 Lua Event System


#include <lua/socket.lh>
  1. flag = handle:setsockopt(level, optname, value)
  2. value = handle:getsockopt(level, optname)


rawio:getsockopt() and rawio:setsockopt() manipulate the options that are associated with a socket.

Level optname Description
SOL_TCP SO_NODELAY A flag which, when non-zero, disables the nagle algorithm for TCP sockets. This means that data packets are sent as soon as possible instead of buffering them. This usually results in poor network performance.
SOL_SOCKET SO_DEBUG A number value which enables printing of tracing messages to the kernel log when non zero. Higher values enable more verbose debugging.


On success, rawio:setsockopt() returns true and rawio:getsockopt() returns the queried value. On error, both functions return nil. In case of an error, the error can be retrieved using rawio:lastError().