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Rawio Core4 Lua Event System


  1. table = rawio.ifconfig(interface)
  2. rawio.ifconfig(interface, table)


Functions for manipulating the configuration of network interfaces.

The first form returns a table that contains all items of the current interface configuration.

Key Value type Description
broadcast Boolean True if this interface is able to handle broadcasts.
dynamic Boolean True if IP Address, Netmask, etc... is configured by DHCP.
ip String The IP address.
loopback Boolean True if this is a looped back interface.
mac String The hardware address.
metric Number The interface metric.
mtu Number The maximum transfer unit (Max. packet size.)
multicast Boolean True if this interface can handle multicasting.
netmask String The network mask in dotted quad format.
prefix String The network mask as number of prefix bits.
running Boolean True if the interface is enabled.
up Boolean True if the interface is enabled and properly configured.

The second form allows changing configuration values. The passed value table accepts the same key/value pairs as shown above, only values that are to be changed must be present in the table.


On success, returns a table containing key/value pairs. On error, three values are returned: nil, a string describing the error (The result of the C library call strerror() on the errno code) and the errno number from the standard C library.


>  >  > 
for k,v in pairs(rawio.ifconfig("eth0")) do print(string.format("%-12s %s", k, v)) end
ip netmask mac 00:22:8A:00:00:00 broadcast true mtu 1500 dynamic true running true metric 1 multicast false loopback false up true