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Touch Core4 Lua Event System


  1. tch:orientation(mode)
  2. mode = tch:orientation()


The touch subsystem supports transparent rotation in four basic directions. When called with a value, the function changes the assumed orientation of the touch screen. When called with no arguments, the orientation is returned without change.

The orientation value 0 indicates the native orientation of the display hardware. The values 1, 2, 3 stand for 90°, 180° and 270° in clockwise direction.

The touch screen orientation corresponds to the display framebuffer orientation. To achive a consistent system behaviour, both the framebuffer and the touch screen must be configured to the same orientation value. The framebuffer orientation is handled by gcx:orientation().

At system startup, the kernel reads the default orientation value from kconfig.value("c4s_general", "c4t_gen_display_orientation") and initializes the touch screen and framebuffer to the same value accordingly.


The configured orientation value.