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Rawio Core4 Lua Event System


  1. stat = rawio.statfs(filename)
  2. stat = rawio.statfs(fd)
  3. stat = handle:statfs()


The functions return information about the file system where a given file or directory is stored. The first form takes a filename, the second uses an already open numeric file descriptor, while the third accesses an already open file handle.


On success, returns a table with the requested information. On failure, the forms one and two return three values: nil, a string describing the error (The result of the C library call strerror() on the errno code) and the errno number from the standard C library. Form three just returns nil on failure, the error can be retrieved using rawio:lastError().

Not all filesystem have usable values in all fields. Fields marked optional in the table below are not included in the returned table if the filesystem does not have that information.

Field Contents
type Type of file system. Example: "FAT"
blocksize Size of one storage block.
blocks Total number of blocks used by the file system.
blocks_free Number of blocks that are free.
blocks_available Number of blocks that are available for programs to store data.
files Number of files and directories stored. Optional
files_free Free file nodes available. Optional
fsid Unique ID of this filesystem. Optional
namelen Max length of a filename. Optional


To check if enough room is available for a new file, use the field blocks_available.

Do not naïvely multiply blocksize with blocks_free. For large media this may result in a number that would not fit into the 32-bit limit used by Core4 Lua.


>  > 
st = rawio.statfs("/media/nv0") print(st.type)