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Rawio Core4 Lua Event System


#include <lua/termios.lh>
setup = handle:setupComm([new_setup])


rawio:setupComm() allows querying and modifying the configuration of a serial port (TTY).

When called with no parameters, the current configuration is returned. When called with a table, the configuration is updated with the new values, and then the resulting final configuration is returned. Only the fields that are to be changed need to be passed in new_setup.

setup, new_setup is a table of key, value pairs holding the TTY setup:

Key Description
ispeed Receive speed in bits per seconds.
ospeed Transmit speed in bits per seconds.
speed For setting both speeds together.
cflag Control flags
iflag Input flags
lflag Local flags
oflag Output flags
vmin Minimum received byte count before read event is signalled.
vtime Read timeout in milliseconds.

The fields of this directly model the Unix style termios mechanism of the operating system.

Flag fields

The fields cflag, iflag, oflag and lflag are bit fields consisting of the logical-or of zero or more flags.

CS5 Five data bits
CS6 Six data bits
CS7 Seven data bits
CS8 Eight data bits
CSIZE Mask for filtering out the CSx value.
CSTOPB Two stop bits when set, else one stop bit.
CREAD Enable receiving.
PARENB Enable parity bit when set.
PARODD Odd parity when set, else even parity. Only used if PARENB is set.
HUPCL Turn off DTR and CTS when the last file descriptor on that port is closed.
CCTS_OFLOW Stop transmitting when CTS input is off. CTS half or RTS/CTS handshaking.
CRTS_IFLOW Turn RTS on when receive buffer has enough room. RTS half of RTS/CTS handshaking.
CDTR_IFLOW Similar to CRTS_IFLOW, but uses DTR instead.
CDSR_OFLOW Similar to CCTS_OFLOW, but uses DSR instead.
CCAR_OFLOW Similar to CCTS_OFLOW, but uses DCD instead.
CHALF Half duplex. While data is transmitted, the receiver ignores any incoming data.
C485 Enable RS485 mode. Before data is being transmitted, the RS485 transmitter is enabled first and given time to stabilze. When the transmit buffer is empty, the RS485 transmitter is turned off again. You must also set one of CRTS_IFLOW or CDTR_IFLOW to select which line is controlling the RS485 transmitter. When unsure, set both.

(The more obscure flags are not shown.)

INLCR Replace every received NL(10) by CR(13).
IGNCR Ignore any received CR(13).
ICRNL Replace every received CR(13) by NL(10).
IXON Stop transmitter when Xoff is received, start when Xon is received.
IXOFF Send Xoff when receive buffer becomes full, send Xon when it has room again.
IXANY When transmitter was stopped by Xoff, start it again on reception of any character whatever.

(The more obscure flags are not shown.)

OPOST All other oflag bits are enabled only if this bit is set.
ONLCR Append a CR(13) after every transmitted NL(10).
OCRNL Replace every transmitted NL(10) by CR(13).

(The more obscure flags are not shown.)

ISIG Enable signal handling. Receiving a Ctrl-C character (3) will raise the interrupt signal, Ctrl-\ (28) will raise the quit signal.

(The more obscure flags are not shown.)


On success, a table containing the setup of the device. On failure or end-of-file, returns nil. In case of an error, the error can be retrieved using rawio:lastError().


This function works only on TTY devices.


Not all hardware implementations support different receive and transmit speeds.


Configure serial port in raw mode at 9600bps, 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit.
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#include <lua/termios.lh> tty = open("/dev/ttyS1"); tty:setupComm { speed = 9600, iflag = 0, oflag = 0, lflag = 0, cflag = CS8 | CREAD }