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Gpio Core4 Lua Event System


  1. gpiohandle = gpio.new(app, callback)
  2. functioncallback(event) ...
  3. gpiohandle:close()


Create a new GPIO event handler. The handler is attached to the event processor passed in app.

Events are reported by calling the passed callback function. The parameter event is a table containing fields describing the event.

type The event type. This is one of the GPIO_xxx type values from lua/gpio.lh.
pin The pin number where the event happened.
group The pin group where the event happened. This is either one of the predefined GPGRP_xxx values from lua/gpio.lh or a group ID registered with gpio.register().
value The value associated with the event.
rising, falling For events that report edge counters, these fields contain the counter values. These events do not report a value field.

The gpio:close() will close the GPIO handler when no longer needed. The handle becomes invalid. This automatically happens during garbage collection, but that takes an unknown amount of time.


Returns a gpio event handler instance.


Call gpio.new() only once per application. With more than one event handler, it is undefined which handler will get the events.