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Gpio Core4 Lua Event System


#include <lua/gpio.lh>


Query information about a gpio group. The group is either one of the GPGRP_xxx values defined in lua/gpio.lh or a registered ID used with gpio.register().

The result is a table with information about the group or device. A field is only present in the table if that information is available.

parent The parent group number. For example GPGRP_MUPP for multi-io devices talking MUPP protocol.
address The address on the bus.
device The serial device where the bus is attached to.
state Either "up" or "down", indicating if the device is responding.
type A code number indicating the type of the device.
capabilities Capability flag bits.
version Version number of the device firmware.
name The type name of the device in UTF8 encoding. For example "eemio" or "µMIO".


On success, returns a table. On error, three values are returned: nil, a string describing the error (The result of the C library call strerror() on the errno code) and the errno number from the standard C library.